Weight Loss

On Jan. 1st 2011, I challenged myself to a 'New year, New Me'... With this challenge comes my goal to lose weight and get healthy. Here you will find my current states, trails and accomplishments.


Jan. 6th 2011:
- I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted on Tuesday and have been having less than 500 calories a day (actually less than 300) for the past 4 days now (I didn't eat on Monday due to nerves). I am sure I have at least lost one or two pounds this week. I have also decided they are so much more important things to worry about besides eating... Food is not a friend, food is not a comfort, food is not fun (okay, yes it is... but its not what I should turn too when I want to have fun!). Food she provide what you need and not what you want. You should eat to live never live to eat. I know this and have always known this, but have used food at a control tactic... as my drug of choice even! This has stopped. I will no longer let food control my life for I shall start living my life fully this year! This is a new year and this is a start to a new me... a me that will learn, grow and live life fully for this year forward.


Jan. 9th 2011:
-Tomorrow will be my first official weigh-in of 2011...  Granted I weigh myself daily... sometimes a few times  a day... okay, okay, sometimes a lot everyday!  But tomorrow I will weigh in for the first time this year and actually record my weigh and see a huge weight loss... Granted its is all thanks to my wisdom teeth extraction, I am still super excited about it.  I am hoping seeing a weight loss tomorrow will really help me stay focused and on track this year so I can meet my goal.  I know I will have slip-ups, fall off track, but I will keep getting back on track and I will keep losing weight this year!  By the end of the year I want at least lose 60 lbs this year, and that is totally do able.  I just have to do it!  I cannot wait until I get to start back to the gym next week... It has been a long time since I have been to the gym (I think the last time I went was last May).  I am planning to start back on Wed (I had to wait so long to go since I had my wisdom teeth extraction). 


Jan. 10th 2011:
And my weigh-in results show I am down 8 lbs since last Monday! Woohoo!!! I am excited about this... Especially since I ate a baked potato for dinner last night :) Now I only hope I can do well this week... and next, and the next!!! I want to do this... I need to do this! My goal for this week is 4 lbs. Wish me luck.


Jan. 12th. 2011:

Ready, set, go! So, I have been able to eat normally, using the word normally loosely there, for a few days now... and no I have not put any of my lost weight back on!  I say I used the word normally loosely because I still can't have chips, crunchy foods, etc but for the most part I can have what I want.  I was also supposed to start back to the gym today but can't due to the snow... Yep, I am snowed-in.  Fun, fun, fun!  At least I  have my girls to keep me company and make me laugh... I think we are going to work on a project today. 

Oh and on a side note... I think I might actually add another daily pill to my list of pills to take everyday. A much needed pill, called a daily vitamin. :)  I have some here I bought last year when I thought I would actually become healthy again but didn't... Heck, I don't even think I started last year!  But this year is totally going to be different and has been so far.  I should reach my first short term goal in the next two and a half weeks, which I am really looking forward too. 
