Yet, how cute are hoop earrings? They can go with any outfit too! I have always wanted to wear them, but was never able too until now... Yep, my new love is a pair of hoop earrings made by I just got them yesterday afternoon (around 7:30pm) and put them in as soon as I opened them! They were so cute, and even better so insanely light! I even forgot I had them on last night, and fell asleep with them in, which never happens!
I highly recommend checking these earrings out if you are looking for a cute pair of light weight hoops! ( Oh, and if you do happen to check the site out, please look at the Ear Coils... They are so neat! I love them too (yep, I have those too). They are super easy to put in but look amazing in your ears! They are such a fun design, and they are a great price for a pair of earrings! Plus, the artist at Sliver Shed Studio is really nice, and gets your order out in such a timely manner! I couldn't be happier with this purchase! Thank you Casey from Sliver Shed Studio!
Here is a not so great picture of my awesome new earrings (its really hard to take a picture of your own ears... Which i didn't know until a Little while ago!)! And on a side note... I have earrings in!!! Woo hoo, one step to be a little more girly (see my post from yesterday).