I have wanted a tat since I was probably 12 or so, but when I turned 18, I couldn't get one due to health issues, and then I became pregnant and between being pregnant four times, and having two children, I never got around to getting a tattoo. Yet, I have always loved them!
I have been planning on getting one since giving birth to Willow, but for whatever reasons I haven't made it yet. Last month was going to be the month! My best friend and I planned a day trip to have a pedi, lunch and then go get foot tattoos together, but the week we were supposed to go she had a fall and cracked a bone in her foot, so our trip got postponed, sadly! We were both super excited about it so we knew we were going to reschedule our trip as soon as we could.... Today was the day!
I of course I had planned on going with a moon & star design with stars for each of my 4 children, but because it was my first and I have issues with my BP (and thinner than normal blood) I was told I should get something smaller to see how my body did... So, that totally messed up the design I was going for and I had to go with plan B (thankfully I always have a plan b and had taken a back up design wiht me to the tat shop!)... So, I got a solo star on my left foot, and I plan on going back in a few months to get the moon and star design I wanted on my right foot. And yes, I do know stars are really common for tattoos but my name is Lissastarr, and yes that is 1 word, which really confuses people, but hey it gives me more rights to have a star tat on me!
Here is a picture of my new tattoo (let me know what you think)... PS over look my toes, Clover helped me paint them:
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